Round and Curved sofa with original accent furniture

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Round and Curved sofa with original accent furniture - Top collection of round sofa, curved sofa in the living room interior design with original accent furniture 2015, Stylish models of curved sofas 2015 in classic and modern furniture styles, Expression form of curved sofas and placing ideas of round sofas.

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Round and curved sofa in the interior:

modern orange round sofa, modern white round sofa for living room interior 2015
modern orange round sofa, modern white round sofa for living room interior 2015
Round sofas owe their existence to the unique phenomenon of salon culture Napoleon III - furniture composition "Andiskre" (from the French. Indiscret, «tactless, chatty"), which is the three "fused" backrest for flirting and frivolous chatter. In the early twentieth century, this type of furniture was perfectly-round base and a conical bearing-back, velvet trim and perfectly fit into the interior bohemian decadence.

Curved sofas - is the creation of interior revolutionary futurists 1960-70 period. Experimenting with architectural reorganization of living space, they invented the form circular settee island, which is usually placed below the floor level of the living room and serves as a place of solitude.  

Today, round and radius sofas have lost some of its relevance, but, nevertheless, remain in the lineup of many well-known manufacturers of classic and modern furniture . The reason for such a sustained survival in the non-triviality and extraordinary architectural expression. In addition, the interiors of classic round rooms just not conceivable without this sculptural design brief. And the current trends of modern design spacious lofts and apartments require that interior must present the dominant bright and expressive in shape thing.

By round sofas can effectively organize a small salon, home library, ladies' boudoir, dressing room or hallway. In this case, this piece of furniture becomes the main character of the interior, all the movement going on around him. With the ability to isolate combining, ie at the same time serve as a seat for a few people who do not see each other, round sofa - a great solution for fitting shoes and clothing, to read, and finally retreat to a private conversation in the large living room.

Curved  sofa , on the contrary, works on the union buddies, inviting all to open communication and the friendly and professional interaction. This piece of furniture will be a godsend for organizing a small conference area, sofa island in space, studio type, a tea salon in a semicircular bay window recess or greenhouses and lounges by the pool or on the garden terrace.

Round sofas models in the interior:

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