PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ)

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port x s a d studio PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture

PORT X by S.A.D. Studio, observed here moored to the Rašín Embankment of the Vltava river

Architects Jerry Koza and Adam Jirkal of S.A.D. Studio have developed and constructed a modular houseboat that can also stand on strong ground and that combines wood, laminate and curves.

port x s a d studio PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture

PORT X by S.A.D. Studio

“It is a harbour of thoughts of a free life.” say the architects. “It defies all deeply rooted notions of a property or houseboat. The curves are inspired by the idea of living hedonism – the motto ‘enjoy life’ is apparent in each and every detail of PORT X.”

port x s a d studio PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture

PORT X by S.A.D. Studio

port x s a d studio PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture

PORT X by S.A.D. Studio

port x s a d studio PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture

PORT X by S.A.D. Studio

port x s a d studio PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture

PORT X by S.A.D. Studio

port x s a d studio PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture

PORT X by S.A.D. Studio

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p PORT X By S.A.D. Studio (CZ) architecture
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